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Jus a Dream is a positive learning program for children. Children will learn through: reading Jus a Dream’s children's books, watching positive children cartoons, playing fun and competitive games, and through our specialized Motivational Learning Program (MLP). MLP’s innovative and entertaining learning tools are specially tailored to the different types of children in order to empower their minds. Your child’s interest will help us select one of our four MLPs in order to truly help them shine in their own right.
Here at Jus a Dream, we want to invite the hunger for knowledge. By increasing the desire to learn, we aim to motivate children to acquire knowledge and present them with the opportunity to learn. With the help of our unprecedented Creative Learning Experiences, we will enable children to retain more newly acquired knowledge and even assist them to understand it better than ever before.
Many Learning Programs already exist; however, they do not satisfy the Learning Palette the way only Jus a Dream does. We are geared towards encouraging self-motivation, empowering one’s mind, and building self-esteem through its learning process. Jus a Dream is a great asset to the mental health of a child, promoting self-empowerment and the making of right choices in life. Through this process we enable the child’s abilities and confidence to reach their peak and help your child reach their full potential; and it’s all because you gave them the chance to make the right choices.

It's Our Goal
About Jus a Dream
Self Taught Learning
Real Life Experience
Customized Tutoring
Creative Teaching Methods
It all begins here at
As children, we are so innocent. Some of the things we do and say can be so precious

It's Innocent Lil Dre
Christmas Just Around the Corner
Hi, my name is Andre, but everyone calls me Lil' Dre. I think it's because I'm the youngest out of all of my cousins. My curiosity sometimes gets the better of me and mixed with some impatience, it can stir up all sorts of confusion. Well, I can show you soon! Make sure to come back and visit me, okay!
by Deborah Manning
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
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