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Hi! Hope all is well. My name is Deborah and I have been writing most of my life, just for fun, or as a hobby. Not doing anything seriously until four and a half years ago. I can recall when I was a young girl in elementary school when my fourth-grade teacher, Mr. Brown, told me to pursue my writing and to continue on to become a Journalist. At the time I didn't put too much into what he said.
Through the years I did just about whatever I wanted to do from Modeling, Upper Management in the Air Craft Industry, and Top Sales Executive. But, there was never complete satisfaction.
As the years passed by., just about every other day I would hear a story about someone accomplishing their dreams, or becoming Billionaires overnight. So I said, "Okay, I could have done that. So why didn't I think to myself what is my legacy?" The answer was simple: you don't have one. And that did it for me. I said, "God what's going on here? When is it my turn" I'm getting older, so I said a prayer for God to help me find my talent and my legacy, something to leave here on Earth that I accomplished.
I received my answer that same night, and my answer was right in front of me. I spent the next two weeks trying to figure it out. It finally dawned on me one-day "Writing". So I sat at my computer and God blessed me with story after story. That's how it all started with me writing children's books. Now I have created a whole Children's Cartoon Network, with over 120 positive cartoon characters and educational programs. First of all, I want to thank God, without him none of what I've accomplished would have been possible. Thank You, God, for guiding and shaping me, throughout my lifetime, and helping me make it through life by strengthening me constantly. I always have faith in God and I love God so much.
I want to thank my Mother for always saying I was someone special, that I could do anything I wanted to do, and to be the best at whatever I chose to do. She was a super Mom and there was nothing she couldn't do. I was always amazed at her wonders and I wanted to be just like her.
I also want to thank my Daddy, for showing me how strength comes from inside and how it is brought out by being wise. Like when we made too much noise playing in the house, you never talked loud or screamed at us. You just said in your normal speaking voice, "Hey". You were my Gentle Giant.
Thank You to my husband Andre for being my inspiration for many of my stories, and for letting me talk his ear off when I was overly excited about some character I had just created. He always saw the good in others and reminds me of that too. We give each other balance. God truly put us together and made as one.
Thank you to my son Alfonzo for allowing your beautiful penmanship and some of your artwork to shine so brilliantly throughout my characters and positive children's books. I want to thank you for showing me how being polite is truly remarkable, and the way you respect others, you're amazing. (You have such good manners too) You are kind, courteous and so caring. I'm so proud to call you my Son.
Thank you, my son, Darryl for being so awesome in so many ways. You helped me to stay grounded and taught me to stand up for what was right, and for teaching me to "just quietly listen", to all of the sounds from Rap to Classical and even the whispers of the wind. I miss you so much.
Thank you to my favorite sister in Prayer Carolin Obeng, you are my rock in the storms. Thank you to all my loved ones who listen to my stories and encouraged me along the way.
Thank you to those who would help me by reading my rough draft books, or for helping me name my characters, and for listening to my, at times, corny voice overs for my cartoon characters. My family, I want you to know that I love you and appreciate you all so much.
And, of course not to forget my fourth-grade Teacher Mr. Brown at Fifty-Second Street School in Los Angeles, California. Thank You, Mr. Brown, for seeing something in me way back then. You were right!