Innocent Lil' Dre
Christmas Is Just Around The Corner
by Deborah Manning
As children, we are so innocent. Some of the things we do and say can be so precious

This Months Featured Book!

Innocent Lil' Dre
Lil' Dre Plays Inside The House
by Deborah Manning
This story is about a little boy name lil’ Dre, he was very nice and he believed in God. It was a really cold day in December, so lil’ Dre was playing inside his house, just having fun. As lil’ Dre played, his eyes would wander over to the beautiful Christmas tree and all the nicely wrapped Christmas presents under the Christmas tree. "Wow" he thought, "I sure would like to know what’s inside all the nicely wrapped Christmas presents! Hmm… hum…" he said to himself "…man, I wish Christmas was here right now!" He tried to take his mind off the Christmas presents by playing with his army men and coloring in his coloring book, but his eyes would always wander back over to the Christmas presents. He wondered, "How much longer until Christmas comes?

Innocent Lil' Dre
Lil' Dre Asks His Mom About Christmas
by Deborah Manning
Lil’ Dre was busy for most of the day, playing, watching television, and eating throughout his Christmas vacation. All the playing and eating made lil’ Dre sleepy and he fell asleep, right in front of the television. While he was asleep, he dreamed about all the nicely wrapped Christmas presents. The vision of all those Christmas presents stayed so clear in his mind that when lil’ Dre woke up and looked over at the beautiful Christmas tree with all the nicely wrapped Christmas presents underneath, he just couldn’t take it anymore. He hurried into the kitchen where his mom was cooking dinner, and asked her "Momma! How much longer do we have to wait for Christmas? I can’t take it much longer."
Lil’ Dre’s mom looked at him, and said, "Christmas will be here before you know it." "Yeah! But when? When?" His mom looked at him and replied,
"Christmas is right around the corner." Lil’ Dre was overjoyed.
"What! Right around the corner?" that was music to lil’ Dre’s ears. "Wow" he said, "that’s great!" Lil’ Dre was so excited, he began to sing and laugh aloud. He turned a few back flips, danced around the house, and smiled all day long.
You'll be surprised at what Lil Dre does next. What do You, think Lil Dre will do?